1. Follow companies you are interested in
Simple and easy, this will allow you to know what's going on in the company and help your research when you eventually get an interview with them. If you are serious about working for a specific company, keep a log of developments in that firm to refer back easily.
2. Post photos
We live in a visual age, and a picture paints a thousand words, so post unique photographs if possible. For example, suppose you attended a professional event, post pictures of that. You get the idea. Just make sure you keep it professional; this is not the place for drunken selfies.
3. Don't make basic errors
Make sure that potential employers can easily find your contact details. Yes, users can send you a message, but why not save time by listing your email and/or telephone number prominently?
4. Contact recruiters directly on LinkedIn
This is where LinkedIn messaging is useful. If you do your research, you can find out who the hiring managers are in your company of choice unless they are using a recruitment agency for the role in question, direct message the relevant person.
5. Use LinkedIn as a search engine
As well as 'jobs you may be interested in,' try searching for something more specific, e.g., finance recruiters. If you can do this, so can recruiters, so make sure your skills and endorsements reflect what you want recruiters to find.
6. Be careful what you put in your LinkedIn profile
Don't say that you are looking for a new opportunity or seeking a job if you are already working for a company. It sounds simple, but we've seen it catch people out (albeit not recently). At best, it can make you look desperate to move on; at worst, if you are already employed, it can make you disloyal.
7. Professional photographs on your profile page
Those with a photograph on LinkedIn get more page views. The photo of you cuddling your kitten is fine for Facebook, but not here. Keep the picture up to date, too; there is nothing worse than interviewing someone whose LinkedIn photo looks nothing like them.
8. Try temping
This is something that is only really suited to some applicants. But if you are struggling to get a permanent role, try temping while doing so. Firstly, it helps pay the bills, and secondly, many temps have made such a good impression they've been offered a permanent role. Anecdotally I've seen many people turn temp roles into permanent positions; often, they wouldn't have thought to have applied to work before!
9. Engage
Comment on posts relevant to your sector and like posts to help get yourself noticed. Of course, don't spend your whole day casually chatting with anyone and everyone, but if you pick great people and comment helpfully, this can open you up to new networks.
10. Stay positive
It can be challenging if you've had a few knocks, but it's essential. Remember to ask your employment agency for feedback for every single job they put you forward for. And take it on board. It only takes one person to say yes.