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Recruiters Give Back, offers free resources and information to help you with your career search and help you get back to work. This includes, CV templates, interview questions and LinkedIn optimisation help. We cannot find a job for you, but we can help you be resourceful to find a job yourself. We try and keep this up to date as much as possible, but please let us know if you hear of any changes or see any other resources we may find interesting or are different to the information on these pages. 


Please be reminded that this is a voluntary organisation. We aim to provide as accurate information as possible. Recruiters Give Back, cannot find you a job. We also cannot be held responsible for any changes YOU decide to make to your career direction, documentation or any other changes you make following interaction with this website or our volunteers. Please read here for further details


CV Help

We DO NOT write your CV for you. We give you a template and can suggest with your input and decision making, what will be the best content for your CV. This can be matched against a job description or can be set up as a speculative CV template. For CV help click here


LinkedIn Help

Here we can help you create content for your LinkedIn profile which will enable Recruiters find you. We help you to "search engine optimise" (SEO) your LinkedIn. We can also help you learn how to network and reach out to new people and new companies. For LinkedIn Help click here



Interview Help

Here we have one of the most extensive lists of competency based interview questions you will see. We are always open to hear more questions you have been asked to add to this to help other people! Please send them here. We also give tips and hints on how to present yourself at interview and how to research the company you are visiting. For interview help click here

Free Career Coaching

If you are unemployed, have worked on your CV and LinkedIn and are not getting results or are very nervous about an interview, we have volunteers who may be able to speak to you. We do our best to try and match you with someone from your area of expertise, but please be patient. We have limited resources and volunteers. We ask that you ensure you have completed the CV and LinkedIn or have an interview arranged before you ask for a call. We have English and Cantonese speakers to help. If you  would like to arrange a call click here

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