So you are sending out 100's of connection requests / invitations to connect on LinkedIn and not getting a response. Why?
There are 565,000 000 + registered users on LinkedIn with more joining everyday. People are being inundated by connection requests. So how do you stand out from the crowd? Especially in times like now it is important to differentiate yourself from others. Here are some hints and tips as to how to make the most engaging connections and have a great response rate.
1. Make sure your profile is up to date, interesting and has content which will be engaging for the person you are connecting with. If you have no "Headline" or "About" and no details why would they connect to you? Also ensure your picture is smiling and you look friendly.
2. Read the profile of the person you want to connect with. Do you have a synergy? Can you see anywhere you may have an interesting topic they have an interest in? Use that synergy in your message.
3. Always send a connection message. You have 300 characters in your connection message to make a difference. Don't ask for any action from your new connection apart from clicking on connect. If you say "I want to talk to you about a job" or "shall we chat about your company" and that person does not have time or it is not them doing the hiring, they are less likely to add you to their network. Make your message engaging and meaningful. For example "I can see that we are both in Supply Chain and have worked in similar organizations. Let's connect. We may be helpful for each other in the future". Putting them in a future mindset, when you may be useful for them encourages connection.
3. Finally be curious and compassionate. Especially at the moment remember you are connecting with another human being who may have their own challenges in life as well. You are building a long term relationship. They may be helpful for you, if not for now, they might be in the future!